The Soil Wealth ICP team was pleased to support the 2020 East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days (EGVID), which were held from 5-7 May in Lindenow.

Spanning over two hectares, the EGVID demonstration site offered countless rows of more than 20 vegetable crop types and around 2000 different varieties in total, ranging from lettuce and baby leaf varieties to broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and more – all growing strongly (thanks to some recent rainfall) and ready for data capture and dissemination.

Although EGVID was originally set to attract over 1,000 local and international visitors and coincide with the International Spinach Conference, strict regulations were in place to ensure a maximum of 50 visitors and social distancing on-site.

Despite these restrictions, the demonstration site transitioned to a virtual event to help connect vegetable growers and industry members in Australia and around the world who missed out on visiting the site in person this year.

Facebook Live streams now available

During the week, the Soil Wealth ICP team organised live streams of the agri-chemical and seed trials at the site alongside event organisers and agronomists Stuart Grigg and Noel Jansz. The agri-chemical trial discussion focused on a range of products tested on different vegetable crops, and examined their performance in managing pests and diseases and crop growth.

Meanwhile, the seed trial update showcased diverse vegetable varieties and discussed the point of difference they can offer to growers in the field, including impacts on yield, leaf size and overall quality.

You can catch up on our live streams by visiting the Soil Wealth and ICP Community of Practice Facebook page. Make sure to follow our page to continue getting updates from the Soil Wealth ICP project.

The team also facilitated a live soil health panel discussion, which will be made available on the website shortly.

A series of videos capturing the extensive trial site at EGVID 2020 will also be available on the AUSVEG website in coming weeks.

Congratulations to the EGVID 2020 team for organising this important and valuable event for the vegetable industry, and particularly on the successful transition to a virtual event.