Precision agriculture (or PA) uses a combination of new technology and existing agronomic knowledge to maximise farm efficiency.

There are many PA tools available to growers, but all require initial information to be gathered on the characteristics of the fields where the crops are grown. A range of sensor options are available to growers such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems, soil and topography monitoring, yield monitoring and quality monitoring.

This webinar explored the current and future precision agriculture technology in the horticulture sector, and more specifically how these relate to vegetable production systems. Guest presenters included the Queensland Department of Agriculture & Fisheries, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture and ag-tech company The Yield.

Watch the recording of this one-hour interactive session facilitated by the National Vegetable Extension Network (VegNET) in Victoria (N, W, SE regions) and Tasmania, funded by Hort Innovation using the vegetable industry levy and funds from the Australian Government.

You can download the accompanying presentation slides here:

To find out more about the VegNET program click here.